The 12 animals in the zodiac cycle are what make the Chinese horoscope.It is based on the lunar year as opposed to
solar signs of the Western horoscope.To check out your regular horoscope,go to celestial sign
(60,72,84,96) You are ambitious,honest,and prone to spend freely.
You are noted for charm and attractiveness for the opposite sex.
You work hard to reach goals and get possessions. You're thrifty,
honest, and want things just so. You get angry easily, but manage to look calm
You get along best with: Dragon, Monkey, Ox.
(61,73,85,97) Bright,patient,and inspiring to others,you make an outstanding parent.
You are patient quiet and people trust you. Normally you are easy
going, but at times you may be stubborn and a little too quick to
get angry. You have an alert mind and body, and you hate to fail at anything.
You get along best with: Snake, Rooster, Rat.
(62,74,86,98) You are aggressive,courageous,candid,and sensitive.
You are a deep thinker and people respect you,because you are brave. And you always get credit where due
But you can be very short-tempered and sometimes have trouble making up your mind.
> You get along best with: Horse, Dragon, Dog.
(63,75,87,99) Luckiest of all signs,you are also talented and articulate,affectionate,yet shy.
You could be very smart in business. You aim for great things and may win them.
You are quiet, kind, and seldom lose your temper, but you like gossip, and you're sometimes sad.
You get along best with: Sheep, Pig, Dog.
(64,76,88,2000) You are eccentric and your life is complex>You have a very passionate nature.
You have good health, plus lots of pep and energy. You get
excited easily, and may get angry easily too. But people trust
you because you're honest, brave and soft-hearted. you're
nobody's fool though and you never borrow money or make speech.
You get along best with: Rat, Snake, Monkey, Cock.
(65,77,89,2001) You are WISE and intense with a tendency towards physical beauty
You are very deep and quiet. You're lucky with money, too,
and never have to worry about it. You are kind to others, but not
apt to be very generous with them. You are a very determined person and hate to fail.
You get along best with: Ox, ROOSTER.
(66,78,90) You are Popular and attractive,you are often ostentatious and impatient
You are cheerful and smart with money, but you may be too
talkative and showy. You are wise, talented, and good with your
hands. Crowds, fun and actions attract you, and you like the opposite sex.
You get along best with: Tiger, Dog, Sheep.
(67,79,91) Elegant and creative,you are timid and prefer anonymity
You like nice things, and may become an artist or musician.
You're very religious and have strong beliefs. Yet you may be somewhat puzzled by life.
Your abilities make money for you
You get along best with: Rabbit, Pig, Horse.
(68,80,92) Very intelligent and able to influence people,you are easily discouraged and confused
You may have a bit of genius. You like to invent things, solve hard problems and think up new ideas.
You are a good thinker and want to know all about things. You may become famous
You get along best with: Rat, Dragon.
(69,81,93) A pioneer in spirit,you are devoted to work and quest after knowledge.
You're a deep thinker with much ability and talent. You like to
keep busy, you try hard work and you hate to fail. You'd rather
work by yourself than with others and your fortunes can swing high or low.
You get along best with: Ox, Snake, Dragon.
(70,82,94) Loyal and honest,you work well with others.You are generous,yet stubborn.
You're truthful and people trust you, because you stand
up for what is right, and you can keep secrets. You don't care
much for wealth, but you seem to have enough.
You get along best with: Horse, Tiger, Rabbit.
(71,83,95) Noble and chivalrous,your friends will be lifelong,yet you are prone to marital strife.
You're quiet and study a lot, because you want knowledge. You do
all things with all your strength. You don't make many friends,
but you keep those you make, because you're honest, kind, and true to others.
You get along best with: Rabbit, Sheep.

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